Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Golden phrase from Jefferson

Below listed are the phrases I got from today's orientation:

1. Don't ever ask questions that you can look up the answers.
2. Never pimp another student in front of team.
3. Never answer question directly specific to another student. Wait for your turn.
4. If you are asked a question, even if you do not the answer, make sure you reason them "out loud"
5. Always be within or easy contact with residents. Observe also what the residents are doing.
6. Check patient often!
7. Appear interested all times!
8. Think "How can I make my resident's job easier?" e.g. discharge summaries, scripts, pre/post-ops checks
9. Do not get caught in race for information with fellow students

1. Periodically bring respected journals e.g. NEJM, JAMA
2. Read whole article and make an intelligent sentence or 2 summing them up
3. Do not overdo a.k.a. overkill (one to two times per week will be good)
4. Do not print and distribute to whole team

1. Handouts for all
2. Appropriate presentation
3. Practice before you give presentation
4. If information is split among teammates, NEVER present information someone was assigned to

Do not use them in rounds unless looking for drugs. Resident will think you are playing games. You are warned!

If you are absent in rotation, call the clerkship coordinator or resident on team.
Nurses are your biggest ally. DO NOT SLEEP IN ROTATION!