Sunday, July 19, 2009

Protein Synthesis

This is a good site for biochemistry learning in terms of protein synthesis:

It so happen that I was doing my USMLE question bank and I was shocked that there is a certain stuff which is not known to me until recently after I surf the net. Okay, it's just a sequence in the mRNA which is named Shine-Dalgarno sequence. It is the initiator of the protein synthesis in prokaryotes. Homologous to this in eukaryotes is Kozak sequence. I am not sure whether this is tested as I seldom see this in my books. There are also lots of factors playing around in the process of protein synthesis. Main thing we are concern of in clinical practice is the diphtheria toxin which inhibits protein synthesis via ADP ribosylation of EF-2. EF-2 is essential in eukaryotes in peptide elongation (translation process), as the same function as it is being named after. If it's the case of prokaryotes, then it is EF-Tu, something like that. Of course these are not just the only factors involved in the protein synthesis.

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