Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adjustment Disorders

Source from:

Adjustment disorder

According to DSM-IV-TR subtypes, are divided into:
1) With depressed mood
2) With anxiety
3) With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
4) With disturbance of conduct
5) With mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct

Listed below are some of the characteristics associated with adjustment disorders:

A person with an adjustment disorder with depressed mood may have mostly a depressed mood, hopeless feelings, and crying spells.

A person with an adjustment disorder with anxiety would experience anxious feelings, nervousness, and worry.

Someone with an adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood would, obviously, have a mixture of anxious and depressed feelings.

An individual with an adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct may act out inappropriately. This person may act out against society, skip school, or begin to have trouble with the police.

A person with an adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct would have a mixture of emotional and conduct problems.

Hope that's helpful. Anyways it's a problem of anxiety, depressed mood and disturbance of conduct. 3 stuffs. Despite the word anxiety, it's not categorized as an anxiety disorder, rather it's put in other psychiatric disorder. Just a small comment by me, correction anyone? And oh yeah, it can bring impact to one's social life. So it does have an impact on psychological well being of the person.

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