Thursday, June 10, 2010

Corn a.k.a. hyperkeratosis, clavus, heloma and tyloma

The above mentioned websites are some reference if you are interested in a condition called foot corn. Well, it's basically, as suggested from the name, a corn-like lesion over the foot. To be accurate, it's hyperkeratosis. The function is nothing but to protect your feet from the hardship they are exposed to. Differentiation from it with that of a callus is important. Here is the difference: A callus generally refers to a more diffuse thickening of the skin (more common on the toes, but can occur under the ball of the foot) whereas a corn is a thicker more focal area area (more common on the toes). A corn can occur under and be surrounded by callus. Complication worried is that infection can occur on the it, and eventually leading to the formation of an abscess.

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