Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Okay, just listened to Dr. Goljan audio lectures. Stunned to me is that he mentioned spiders. I never thought spiders can even come out as question itself in any exam. Well, guess a little information won't ruin you right? But the overwhelming information does. So, this is what I found out about spiders:

There are 2 types of feared spiders we need to know in States, i.e. Latrodectus mactans, otherwise known as the (southern) Black widow spider and the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa. The first one was well known of an interesting fact, which is male cannibalism (meaning the spider will "eat" up the male after mating. That's why they are widows!) Take note that not all black widow spider does this, this is only special on the above mentioned species. The venom of brown recluse spider is a more fearsome one compared to Latrodectus mactans.

Lactrodectus mactans

(Check out: &
Basically this is the one which secretes neurotoxic venom. Something like painful muscle contraction those kind of stuff. Latrodectism (, main thing here is the group of muscle pain presented in the clinic with particular interest on abdominal cramps. One may even ended up a surgery to see what's inside, only to find that everything's normal.

Loxosceles reclusa
(Check out
Symptoms otherwise known as loxoscelism. This is a much more deadlier, a more potent venom, even deadlier than cobras? Come out during the night. Can cause much more severe symptoms than latrodectism, includes DIC, hemolysis etc.

Treatment tends to skew towards giving anti-venom, because it's obvious to give anti-something treatment. Of course there are other treatment as well. Main thing here is if you don't disturb them, they don't disturb you. Please do check out how to prevent this pests from hurting you. No need for arachno-phobia, just be yourself and take all necessary precautions. That's all.

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