Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Neurology & DWI--Diffuse Weighted Imaging

I come across some interesting q&a sites. Check this out:

Brain AVM (arteriovenous malformation)
In arteriogram which you use to just visualize the blood vessel pattern, you would notice a mesh of blood vessels. That's what AVM is all about. It can occur anywhere and it has a certain genetic link. The condition can be silent, but when one's arterial pressure suddenly rise until the weak blood vessels can't tolerate, it will be very disastrous, especially if it occurs at the brain. The website I provided is very nice, as I found it. Should be a good reference to patients who want to know more about this condition.

I would like to share a type of scan called Diffuse Weighted Imaging (DWI)
Resources as shown below:

A quite recent development and that very helpful in diagnosing and localizing lesions in the brain caused by insufficient perfusion to the brain region. For very technical perspective of this imaging, check this out:

Some image study if you would like to know about brain aneurysm.

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