Thursday, September 17, 2009


I spent some of time waiting for the result playing some games and studying, of course. I recently finished my Silent Hill 2. Quite nice a game with interesting storyline, a bit boring as I need to minimize my window to see the walkthrough. The reason I brought this up because of the fact of the two characters inside the story, namely Mary and Maria. I know why they put the names so close, at least I makes James thinks that Maria can be Mary, but it's not. At first, the story can be confusing but if you tie up everything together, i.e. summarizing the plot of the story from the beginning to the end, everything make sense.

Okay, back to the doppel thing. Mary and Maria are in fact Doppelgänger, according to wikipedia. All the characters depicted meant something. It is not there for nothing. Maria is actually what James depict of from Mary. The other thing is don't treat Silent Hill as some non-sensical illogical horror story. In fact everything happened in the event is just a hallucination, or if strictly speaking, the very inside fear or horror of James (the protagonist) himself.

Just think that this story is on psychology and you will understand and appreciate it. I'd love psychology but I don't like to be in the psychiatrist. That's me^^ Something interesting doesn't mean that you should pursue it forever. You do it when you have the moment to do so.

Anyways, the main thing I want to point out from this game is this phenomenon. Doppelgänger. You bet it, it's a German word. If you like long articles:änger#Left_temporoparietal_junction and

Basically it's a phenomenon, more or less pointing towards the fact of one felt another part of oneself away from the body, better known as Out-of-Body Experience (OBE). Below is an interesting article touching a little bit about neurology.

The reason I checked this out because I want to see a real published article about this experiment of out-of-body experience thingy. I bet a lot of people create or listen to hell lots of stories about OBE thingy. Since I am in the field of science, I'd better put up at least a prove to really tell people that hey, this is in fact true and it's written.

Basically it's about the temporoparietal junction playing all these things up. Temporal lobe dysfunction can be a cause of epilepsy of some patients. That's what I know of. Hearing can be affected. In short, it's relative. It depends on which exact nerve got hit. There are lots of myths about this Doppelgänger thingy. But as a fellow human being, like the Confucius said, we have to take care outselves first before thinking about ghost thingy. If you can't be a perfect human being, what's there to talk about ghost? Right? Well, it's just another moral of the story...

Life just not about medicine, ya know?

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