Friday, September 4, 2009

Serotonin Syndrome vs NMS

Article from:

This article quotes some interesting facts about serotonin syndrome. As you know, NMS (I forgot the whole name, but it's written there and is caused by dopamine antagonist effect) can have certain common features in terms of the clinical presentation. Therefore I would like to bring a certain attention over this matter.

Feature: Serotonin Syndrome
Mechanism: Serotonin excess
Onset of Symptoms: Minutes to hours
Resolution of symptoms: Less than 24 hours
Neuromuscular: Myoclonus, hyperreflexia
Rhabdomyolysis: Rare
Metabolic acidosis: Rare
Elevated transaminases: Rare

Feature: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Mechanism: Dopamine antagonism
Onset of Symptoms: Days to weeks
Resolution of symptoms: 5-14 days
Neuromuscular: “lead pipe” rigidity
Rhabdomyolysis: Common
Metabolic acidosis: Common
Elevated transaminases: Common

Anyways, this is from table 3 in the article. I finally found the answer to this mystery to me^^

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